November 2011 Release (1.0)

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ForexConnect has matured beyond the beta stage and is available as a full release version 1.0.

All existing features have been finalized, however tables have not yet been added.

In this release there are a few breaking changes that must be applied to all applications written with the previous versions of the ForexConnect API. Without this your applications will work improperly. Please find a list of breaking changes below.

Where To Get?

Please download the release here:

Where is Documentation?

Breaking Changes

  1. In .NET and Java API, the enumeration O2GTable was renamed to O2GTableType.
    To make your application working with the new version of the API, please rename all occurrences of O2GTable enumeration to O2GTableType.
  2. The method fillMarketDataSnapshotRequestTime was extended with one additional parameter: bool isIncludeWeekends. This parameter defines whether weekend price data should be included or not in the market data snapshot.
    To make your application working with the new version of the API, please add a parameter with value true or false depending on whether you need the weekend prices or not.
  3. In Java API, the field OCO_BULK_ID of the enumeration O2GRequestParamsEnum was renamed to CONTINGENCY_ID.
    To make your application working, please rename all occurrences of OCO_BULK_ID to CONTINGENCY_ID.

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