

What's New?

What is Order2Go?

The article discusses what Order2Go is and what it is used for.

How to Start?

The article describes how to start working with Order2Go.

NFA Compliance Rule 2-43(b)

This section describes NFA Compliance Rule 2-43(b) and things related to it.

Order2Go Don'ts

The article describes what you must avoid when using Order2Go.

How to Obtain Trading Data?

The article describes what information can be obtained using Order2Go and how to get this information.

How to Trade?

The article describes how to trade using Order2Go.

Event Processing

The article discusses the differences in two models of the event processing in Order2Go: ActiveX event handling and Pending events.

Order2Go Trading Methods

The article describes methods of trading using Order2Go.

Fix Orders. Part 1. Order Types

The article describes the statuses of fix orders.

Fix Orders. Part 2. Order Statuses

The article describes the statuses of the fix orders.

OCO Orders

Article on OCO orders and their purpose

Orders, Partial Fills

The article describes behaviour of Order2Go in case of partial fills.

Net Stops & Limits

This article explains the purpose of Net Stop and Limit orders.

ELS Orders

This article describes ELS orders.

Asynchronous Methods

The article describes asynchronous methods.

Session Statuses

The article describes the statuses of the session.

Command Response Timeouts

The article discusses timeouts for the command execution.

Table Of Error Codes

The article describes Order2Go Error Codes and Messages.

FXCore Type Library

The detailed description of the classes in the Order2Go type library.